Saturday, August 29, 2015

Site Planning

After presenting the outline to fellow classmates, there were a few areas that needed to be revised. Each area of the collection needed to become more specific, rather than be general. For instance, instead of focusing on a range of polish colors, it was narrowed down to simply GOLD nail polishes.

Revised Outline:

Sitemaps were created to discover the site's navigation.

Once discovering the general layout of the site, one began designing wireframes in three unique directions. Each direction contained a homepage layout with two interior site page layouts. Here are the three directions for the Online Museum of Gold Nail Polish:Direction 01:
Direction 02:
Direction 03:

Museum Plan

For the first project, one will be designing an internet site focusing on a museum collection. 

The first assignment was to consider possible collections for the online museum. Upon selecting a few directions, an outline was created for the most preferred collection. This outline dictates the website purpose, website goals, target audience, and possible task scenarios.