Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Finalized Storyboards

Scenario: (Person to Place)
Hololens and Phone App

Chastity and her friends are currently on an adventure in the woodlands. In order to advance to a new gateway, it is necessary to accomplish team and individual objectives to invent the next key. Chastity’s guild has been assigned a scavenger hunt to complete. Each team member finds and photographs at least two items on the list. Their app's camera can view the virtual world, making it possible to photograph this virtual item. These archived images will serve as material for the new key.

Scenario: (Person to Object)
Objective/Task w/ Phone App

Chastity has been assigned to bring a snack to their next guild meeting. The app’s objective is to create a mud pie with oreos and gummy worms. After Chastity completes this scrumptious mud pie, she photographs her culinary work to fulfill the objective requirement. 

Scenario: (Person to Person)
Phone App

Chastity wishes to form a guild on Gateway with her two friends, Mary and Sophie. Each girl creates a profile page, selecting important talents that will contribute to accomplishing team objectives to invent / obtain the key to a new gateway. After creating their profiles, their first group task is to take guild photo.

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