Saturday, November 7, 2015

Written Scenarios

Scenario One: Pool

Chastity is invited to the pool with a friend. She easily jumps into the routine of swimming with her friend, specifically competing and racing. Some random children wish to have a swim tournament with you two. Her friend eagerly accepts for the both of them, but Chastity wishes to go down the slide.

Scenario Two: Fun Friday

Today is Fun Friday. Chastity is very eager to make cookies and the ingredients are all provided for the children. However, Chastity would like to add something to the ingredients: candied m&m’s, which will add a pop of color and sweetness to the peanut butter cookies. How will she convince her teammates?

Scenario Three: Music Class

Chastity is in Music Class with twenty-two of her other classmates. Today is free day so Chastity decides to play with the recorder. Her teacher is impressed by her improvement and asks her to perform in front of the class.

Scenario Four: Home

Chastity at home while her mom is busily working. There are not any television shows on to attract your interest, so you go to look at your barbies. While playing dress up Chastity decides to create a fashion show. She wants to show her mom the fashion show after she is done working. 

Scenario Five: Home

Chastity is at home alone and the power is currently out. She must find something to intrigue her mind so that she doesn’t just sit around and do nothing. She notices a stack of common materials and decides to start inventing, later hoping to show her mother her accomplishment. 

Scenario Six: Friend’s House

Chastity is invited over to a new friend’s house. The two have easily hit it off in class among other classmates; however, once alone she feels extremely anxious and self-conscious. She does not know how to act around her.

Scenario Seven: Playdate

Chastity is trying to become more socially active among her classmates. Her mother decides to invite a small group of girls over for an after school playdate. Chastity begins to easily shut off due to anxiety once they arrive home, her friends arrive within the hour... How will the children be occupied and entertained while also boosting Chastity’s confidence and desire to socialize? 

Scenario Eight: Ballet

Kristyn has signed Chastity up for a dance class so her daughter can become more socially active. Although the ballet class began five weeks ago, Chastity is eager to join and learn. On her first day, Chastity is introduced to four other girls her age. These girls began the class on the original start date, so they naturally have a strong bond amongst their fellow dancers. Chastity easily becomes disoriented with the unfamiliar dance routine, but she doesn’t know how to ask for help from her fellow classmates.

Scenario Nine: Piñata

Chastity is at a family reunion. All her extended family has arrived and the festivities are beginning. There is an area set up for children to attack the piñata. All her cousins have attempted hitting the piñata with a bat. She has yet to have her turn due to line cutting. She wants a turn but doesn’t want to draw attention to herself, and lacks the confidence to claim her spot.

Scenario Ten: Recess

Chastity has been dismissed late for her first recess. She runs to the playground but everyone has already divided into their friend groups, leaving her alone. Some groups go to play on the jungle gym while others play kickball. She would like to play kickball but the teams have already been assigned. How can she ask to be included without irritating anyone?

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