Friday, October 30, 2015

Audience Experience

Experience Designers collaborated to create an audience profile and the desired user experience for this exhibition.

This is what we came up with:

Audience Profile:

Open to all.

Knowledge: Our audience members are receptive to the issue of poverty but are not actively involved or aware of its true issues. Our goal is to get them actively involved and concerned about the poverty level of Douglas County.

Experience: With living in Lawrence, one is naturally exposed to certain elements of poverty; which usually include encounters with homeless people on Mass Street, street corners, soup kitchens, etc.

Belief: ­­People in poverty are impoverished due to life choices, addiction, and lack of work ethic.

Audience age range has a large possibility, but we intend to focus on people within the age gap of 15+.


What will be the single quality that pervades the entire experience?

Creating accurate perceptions of poverty in the Douglas County Area, specifically in Lawrence, KS.

Replacing skewed views of poverty.

*Quality is neither emotional/practical/intellectual.

How will you work with the info architects/graphic designers to build quality?

Work with the information architects to organize what the information is and how to relay this information in the best sense, get on the same page.
·      Teaches audience in the way we want, complying with the experience and what the overall goal is.

Work with the graphic designers later to see how we are presenting the information. User Experience has clear hierarchy/ legibility v illegibility/ learning stages representation/ etc.

Having a nice range of media.

What will be the variations of the constituent parts — the speeding up or slowing down of the experience?

Selecting key issues within our information that we wish the viewer to focus on.

Ex: Focus on Poverty in Lawrence would be the slowing down point.
Ex: The overall idea of Poverty in the United States would be speed zone.

What will be the doing (actions taken by participants) and the undergoing (the results of taking action, as in “i am undergoing stress”)?

Reading and Feeling would be the passive interaction for user.
Having people become emotionally invested in these ways:
Processing/ Relating/ Analyzing/ Watching/ Reading/ Comparison/ etc.

How will it come to a close or a consummation, rather than simply stopping?

Finishing with United Way information but possibly having a physical object that users can take with them.

End with a change of heart, so empathy.

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