Friday, October 30, 2015

Schedule and To Dos:

After deciding upon the final direction, the class created a schedule to maintain and follow. This was necessary because the presentation date was approaching quickly. 


MON oct 19
2:20 refine spatial flow and physical space planning
2:20 finalize visual standards -
TUES oct 20
confirm budget, based on design decisions
- IA - boxes and final size
- GD - printouts and other materials for making stuff (paint, etc)
- XD - misc materials (post-its, pens, etc)
work on content finalizing - XD group
refine interactive ideas, detail models (physical or digital)
GD - test applications for visual standards
IA - final floorplan, “wireframe” for each content area
WED oct 21
look at budget
look at applications for visual standards
look at final spatial map
by 2:20, finalize all content
WED-MON work
user testing
MON oct 26
finalize visual design of everything, incorporating user input
in class: mock-up final presentation
WED oct 28
final presentation for erika and partners

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