Friday, October 30, 2015

Experience Design Content Review

To begin, the Experience Designers reviewed their content. This involved summarizing their specific field and finding ways to communicate visually, while also coming up with an interactive element. 

Summarized Content:


Poverty (n)
the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means ofsupport; condition of being poor.

Misconception: To be living in poverty, you must be unemployed and homeless.

Reality: In fact, many hard working individuals struggle with poverty and must create a tight end budget to make ends meet.

General Content:

Even people living in poverty rarely qualify for aid found in the poverty guidelines provided by the federal government.

Poverty guidelines determine if an individual qualifies for financial eligibility for certain federal programs, allowing them to receive financial assistance with: 

Work, etc.

*Display Poverty Guidelines Chart. 
*Highlight the 3 person household.

The Cliff Effect:

Imagine living on $20,090 a year with a family of three. If you make $100 more a year, would you and your family still be eligible for federal aid?

FLAP TO LIFT W/FINGER: Find way to indicate, arrow?

NO, this is a result of the cliff effect. 

Douglas County Stat:

Although these people are living and struggling with poverty, they are not considered among the impoverished of the state. Therefore, they are not part of the 19% in poverty that are present in the Douglas County area.

Visual INFOGraphic 

Possible other visual graphic… A compare and contrast budget system.

Pie chart that an individual will compose a budget based on the income listed above of $20,090.

Without Assistance:
6800 Food 32% of Income
8740 Living 44% of Income
1224 Transportation 6% of Income
5668 Health 28% of Income
Entertainment 0% leftover

Not sure about % of people struggling...

With Assistance:
5500 Food 27% of Income
6000 Living 30% of Income
1224 Public Transportation 6% of Income
4824 Health 24% of Income
Entertainment 13% leftover

19% Receiving assistance. 

These material was passed onto the information architects and the graphic designers. They collaborated in the overall structuring of the text.

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